Quantos Campaign Project

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The Quantos Campaign

A new campaign is arriving in the North Amara world setting written by Kenneth Shumaker (c) 2015 with our host as the Dungeon Master, KenShuMC. The D&D RPG homebrewed Quantos campaign project.

Quantos Campaign, Ep. 023Q, Who!

WOW Here's the Gold Membership
A great KnTST Clan Campaign

Are you curious about discovering a new homebrewed medieval fantasy world? Join in on the discussions and live broadcasts of the North Amara campaign, Quantos, from the KnTST Clan community, InUPress Broadcasting.

The Quantos project is hosted by KenShuMC with the help of the four players of the Quantos campaign.

The upcoming new InUPress Broadcasting KnTST Clan community Quantos project has a D&D RPG homebrew broadcast streaming campaign project is the North Amara, the Quantos campaign, which is set for commencement official Launch date on August 1st, 2022.

We kicked the series off with June 30, 2022, pre-launch event called, Oak Leaf Manor Pre-Launch Episode 001Q, Vol. III. It went well though I note an audio upset. We should be completing the event in the next July episode in Episode 002Q, Vol. III, Ra’Mor Racine.

The Quantos official stream launch is August 1st, 2022, with a 7:00 pm Mountain time episode, Season One! 001Q Vol. II, Mount Oryn!

Oak Leaf Manor event (ep, 002Q, Vol. III) will be held on the Discord server, InUPressMC, Steam and Xbox channels, KenShuMC, broadcast on YouTube and Twitch TV channels, KenShuMC with chat discussion in all and a voice chat through the InUPressMC server Discord Quantos guest voice channel.

This exciting new D&D role-playing group adventure with four players, The Odd Lot crew, and a DM (KenShuMC) is a D&D homebrew-style RPG set in the medieval fantasy realms of the Quantos world setting of North Amara (c) 2015 written by Kenneth Shumaker. The campaign adventure story will be taking place starting in the Quantos world’s humal North Amara Kingdom capital city of Mount Oryn.

This campaign is set in a world story setting by poetry and medieval fantasy award-winning author Kenneth Shumaker.

The initial test scenes start with the gathering of the player characters in District 4, realizing there are odd issues with some city authorities. The city residents have come to realize that the avatars of the bard goddess, Ta’Myka, have not been present in the area for a year or so, nor have any of her minions. Some of the city’s citizens have heard that the minions of the long-dead god Tearlain have issued a decree of a ransom to the nation for returning her.

We will use the Roll20 VTT platform and the Discord KenShuMC server channels InUPressMC and Quantos, on both the chat and voice channels for, Quantos during the broadcasting of this campaign. InUPress Broadcasting will broadcast live streaming to Facebook, Twitch and YouTube.

The broadcast campaign team of the DM, administrators, curators, moderators and players will be using D&D 5e RPG rules settings on the DnD Beyond character system.

This is our second round of open invitations for an administrator, curators and moderators to apply for this campaign are ready. Write a direct message to KenShuMC of InUPress Broadcasting at kenneth@shumakerbconsulting.com or use the form below, to join up and get your spot.

The game will be officially recorded and journaled by InUPress Broadcasting on this website and the appropriate channels of the KenShuMC Discord server InUPressMC.

The DM and host is KenShuMC. The broadcasting host is the KnTST Clan community of InUPressMC Gaming with InUPress Broadcasting.

(C) 2022 InUPress Broadcasting

The current players:

  1. Teal (Dul) – 1/2 Shespan, male, Cleric/Wizard (Sidekick – Wag, Risen Ta’Myka dire wolf)
  2. Cannuck (Ghost) – Tiefling male, Rogue
  3. Savy (Jenny) – Rabbitfolk, female, Ranger (Sidekick – Shadow, Beast Companion, Shadow Wolf)
  4. Ryan Q (Coby) – Jalmal, Artificer/Warlock

Below is the Official Campaign project Signup form for application to be administrators, curators and moderators for the Quantos campaign project.

We are accepting applications for administrators, curators and moderators for the broadcasting, streaming and website. We will choose an additional Quantos campaign project team of three juniors along with two senior moderators, two curators and an administrator for the campaign project by June 2022.

Please read carefully and only fill out as comfortable. Be sure it completes when you submit. The form will disappear, being replaced by a placeholder, upon successful submission.

We are looking for a name, email address, gamer name, language, age and timezone along with character-building info primarily.

The following information is for gaming placement purposes and campaign suitability.

Extracurricular, Personal and Volunteer Activities (To get a better sense of a participant's time use and availability. Possible distractions from the campaign and project. Interests which can be built into the storylines also.)

List your organizations, position, description of the activity, and schedule per week of involvement.
List each, a description, the level, and number of years of involvement.
List the type of work, your role, and schedule per week of involvement.
List the job, your title, description, schedule per week, with dates of employment.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

If the Applicant is under 18 Please complete the Parent Information

The information requested below is optional, but it is required in the review of your admission if you are under 18 years of age. You are strongly encouraged to complete this section if under 18 years old. If you're under 18 years old your guardian's name and signature are required.

Please provide the names of people in your immediate family who are your guardians.

Your signature and check box are necesary for the application to be accepted.


I understand that this application is for admission only for the Quantos campaign project indicated. I agree that I am bound by the Broadcaster's, InUPress Broadcasting along with KnTST Clan community regulations concerning application deadlines and admission requirements. I agree to the release of any transcripts and scripts to this institution, including any reports. I certify that this information is complete and accurate. I understand that making false or fraudulent statements within this application or statement will result in denial of admission and invalidation of any agreements. If admitted, I agree to abide by the policies of the community and broadcaster's Board and the rules and regulations of the Broadcaster and affiliates. Should any information change prior to and subsequent my entry into the campaign, I will notify the Office of Admissions, at Ken@inupressbroadcast.com . I understand that the application I submit is non-returnable.